The Mind’s Eye

All human beings perceive their world through the lens of the mind. But is the mind a reliable filter? All believe that their particular view of the world is correct, and that most, if not all others do not have it quite right. No one seems to question the improbability of this attitude. After all, […]

Personal Responsibility

In a previous post, I opined about the abdication of personal responsibility in the lives of modern man (meaning humans, male, female, or whatever), and the consequences of that abdication. Today, I’d like to discuss the ways that this abdication might be framed, and even encouraged by society. In modern times it is very difficult indeed […]

The Left Still Doesn’t Get It

From Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept post today (11/13/2016): Excellent commentary, but I get the impression that Glenn doesn’t know Donald J. Trump at all, but has accepted the ‘echo chamber’ view that he is a sociopathic monster. From what I’ve read from decent, honest people that have known, worked with, and for the man, nothing could […]